FilExile 3.00 HELP

Deleting an individual file:

  1. Type the file name (with path) in the "Target" box OR click "Browse..." and select the file
  2. Enable logging if desired (see: Logging)
  3. Click "Delete" or hit ENTER

Deleting a problem directory:

  1. Type the directory name in the "Target" box OR click "Browse..." and select the directory (If FilExile thinks the directory you are trying to remove is potentially unsafe to delete it will display a popup warning you of this. See: Safety Mode)
  2. Enable logging if desired (see: Logging)
  3. Click "Delete" or hit ENTER

Shell Extension (Context Menu) use:

  1. Choose the option "Add Shell Extension" during installation
  2. After installation/activation a restart may be required to see/use the shell extension
  3. Right click any folder or file and select "Delete with FilExile"
  4. IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that FilExile WILL try to delete anything you right click and select "Delete with FilExile" on. Essentially, it ignores the "Safety Mode" security that is available in the GUI application

Drag and Drop use:

  1. Drag any file or folder onto the FilExile window
  2. Click "Delete" or hit ENTER

Safety Mode:

Safety Mode is an option that tries to prevent the accidental deletion of potentially vital system files and directories. Be advised that Safety Mode cannot prevent ALL accidents and common sense is still required.

If FilExile determines a directory selected/entered to be vital it will display a dialog warning you that the action is potentially dangerous. You will have the option to continue or cancel and future warnings can be suppressed if desired (not recommended).


Check the box "Enable logging" in Settings > Options... > Logging to enable output to a file. Click the "Change..." button to change the directory where the log file is created.

The log file shows the output of Robocopy as it deletes the "EXTRA files". For more information about the log file that Robocopy creates, please visit


Change the number of threads FilExile tells Robocopy to use on the Advanced tab.

Note: On some older operating systems like Windows XP, it may be necessary to disable threading entirely.


To access FilExile's update settings, navigate to Help > Check for updates. If it detects that you aren't running the most recent version, it will let you know and give prompt you to download the newest version. Clicking "Download" will take you directly to the most recent version.

Complection Actions:

Completion actions allow FilExile to perform certain operations after deleting the targeted directory/file. These include playing a sound/displaying a dialog, shutting down the computer, and restarting the computer.

Always On Top:

If it is desired to always have FilExile be the top-most application, the "Always on top" option can be selected from the Advanced tab.

Disabling progress monitoring:

A slight performance gain can be achieved by disabling progress monitoring on the Advanced tab. However, this comes at the cost of not being able to see the progress bar advance as files are deleted.

Command-Line Usage:

FilExile supports command-line parameters for use by batch, script, and advanced users. It is important to note that when being used from the command-line FilExile does NOT distinguish between potentially dangerous targets and will behave as if safety features have been ignored in the GUI.

To easily view the usage information for command-line use run "FilExile.exe /?"

Usage: FilExile.exe {target | /job } [/q] [/l ] [/mt | /mt off] [/end ] [/f]
target - The file or directory to be deleted
/job - Specify a jobfile to delete a series of files or directories
jobfile - List of files or directories (one per line) to be deleted
/q - Enable quiet mode (no output)
/l - Enable logging
logfile - File where output should be logged
/mt - Change multithreading options
numThreads - Override the default number of threads [0-128]
/mt off - Disable multithreading (same as: /mt 0)
/end - Override default completion action that runs after deletion operation
cmd - Complection action...
0: Do nothing
1: Shutdown
2: Restart
cmd: Any command that can be run by the current user (e.g.: "C:\myBatchFile.bat")
/f - Attempt to force the completion action


"Show Output" must be manually activated under the Advanced tab if the user wishes to view what Robocopy is actually doing.

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If you wish to make a donation you can do so via SourceForge's safe and secure PayPal system at

If you have programming/debugging/marketing skills and want to help with the development of FilExile, email Project Manager, Bryan Carey, directly at